PV Climate documents open for public consultation

Several PV Climate documents are open for public consultation. These documents have undergone some minor updates as we prepare to submit an application to the ICVCM. Read more

Plan Vivo partner with Terranomics to launch Accelerator programme

In October Plan Vivo will be piloting a pioneering Accelerator programme. The Accelerator will offer assistance, training, and access to finance for a number of PV Climate projects. Read more

Plan Vivo projects migrate to updated Carbon Standard

Plan Vivo are officially requiring projects to migrate from version 4 of our Carbon Standard (PV Climate) to the latest version (V5). Read more

Statement in response to Follow the Money article

Read our response to a recently published Follow the Money article about the ACORN Programme and its Côte de Ivoire project. Read more

Participatory Toolkit designed to support projects

The Plan Vivo Participatory Toolkit has been published. It is designed to support project developers and participants when planning and implementing participatory approaches into Plan Vivo projects. Read more

Plan Vivo Annual Report 2022-2023

The Plan Vivo Annual Report includes our latest impact and financial figures, key programme developments and strategies, and our aims for 2024 and beyond. Read the report here. Read more

Plan Vivo launch pioneering Biodiversity Standard

After much anticipation, we are excited to officially launch our pioneering Biodiversity Standard, which is to be known as PV Nature. Read more

Plan Vivo host side event at CIFB conference

Plan Vivo hosted a side event at the Corporate Investments in Forestry & Biodiversity Conference (CIFB) held in London. The session focused upon high-integrity biodiversity markets and what a high-quality biodiversity credit will look like. Read more

Plan Vivo Standard to become 'PV Climate' in line with PV Nature launch

The Plan Vivo Standard is to be rebranded as the 'Plan Vivo Carbon Standard' and will be officially known as 'PV Climate'. This is due to the launch of Plan Vivo's Biodiversity Standard (PV Nature), happening later this year (2023). Read more

Plan Vivo partners with Pivotal to create high integrity biodiversity certificates

Plan Vivo announces partnership with the data organisation Pivotal, with the aim of bringing high integrity biodiversity certificates to the market. Read more

Our Statement on Blue Carbon

We are working on two exciting blue carbon initiatives; a hub for knowledge sharing and the creation of a new blue carbon methodology. Both are aimed at addressing the barriers facing blue carbon project development. Read more

Plan Vivo visits the Pacific

The Plan Vivo Foundation recently returned from an extensive tour of the Pacific, visiting projects, partners and conducting government and community meetings in New Zealand, Fiji, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu and Australia. Read more

Plan Vivo hosts East Africa Regional Stakeholder Meeting

Plan Vivo brought together stakeholders from across East Africa for our first East Africa regional meeting, which was hosted in Nairobi, Kenya. Read more

Capacity strengthening & building partnerships in East Africa

Plan Vivo recently conducted project visits, attended workshops, and hosted capacity strengthening sessions throughout Kenya. Read more

High-level integrity principles developed to steer emerging biodiversity credits market

Fauna & Flora International (FFI) and Plan Vivo Foundation (PVF) have collaborated to develop a set of high-level principles for integrity in the emerging biodiversity credits market. Read more

Statement in response to recent Guardian article

An article recently published in the Guardian throws into question the integrity of certain carbon credits. Read our response here. Read more

Technical Review Panel – Carbon Experts Wanted

The Plan Vivo Foundation (PVF) is looking for experts in carbon quantification to accelerate the finance to community-focussed AFOLU carbon projects. Read more

Webinar to launch the Plan Vivo Biodiversity Standard public consultation

Plan Vivo will be hosting a webinar on the 30th of January to launch the public consultation process for the Plan Vivo Biodiversity Standard (PV Nature). Read more

Annual Report 2021 - 2022

Plan Vivo's most recent Annual Report has been released. Find out what the Foundation has achieved, our aims for the new year, and view our income and expenditure for the financial year 2021 - 2022. Read more

Meet our new Project Officers

We recently welcomed three new Project Officers to the Plan Vivo team. Read more

Report finds Plan Vivo projects contribute to a high number of SDGs

Our comprehensive SDG impact report has found that Plan Vivo certified projects contribute to (on average) 11 of the SDGs. Read more

Plan Vivo Signs MoU with the Mexican Government

Plan Vivo have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, Mexico, and the National Institute of Ecology and Climate Change. Read more

Plan Vivo releases updated ICROA endorsed Standard

We are thrilled to announce that the Plan Vivo Standard V5.0 is officially ICROA endorsed. Read more