PV Climate PV Climate - Documentation Version 5 of the Plan Vivo Carbon Standard (PV Climate) is split across three key documents: Project Requirements, Methodology Requirements, and Validation & Verification Requirements. These documents are supplemented by various guidance documents, procedural documents, and templates. This newest version therefore differs from the V4.0 Plan Vivo Carbon Standard, which is encompassed by one core standard document. Access to the documentation associated with the PV Climate V5.0 is available below. Please note that Plan Vivo updates these documents from time to time. The most up to date versions of documents will always be listed below. PV Climate V5 - Requirements The PV Climate V5 documents are available to read via the links below. Document Description Project requirements Criteria that projects must demonstrate compliance with. Methodology requirements Minimum requirements that any methodology must meet to be approved for use by projects that are certified beneath PV Climate. Validation & Verification requirements Criteria that must be followed by projects and auditing bodies with respect to the validation and verification of projects. Glossary A glossary for all key terms used across the PV Climate documents. Standard V5 - Guidance and Manuals The PV Climate V5 guidance documents and respective manuals will be made available shortly. Document Description Validation & Verification Guidance Provides guidance for projects and auditing bodies regarding auditing processes and auditor requirements. Procedures Manual Provides procedures regarding the certification process of PV Climate projects. Project Development Guidance Manual Provides guidance on how to develop PV Climate projects. Participatory Toolkit Supports project developers and participants when planning and implementing participatory approaches into Plan Vivo projects. This is a requirement of Plan Vivo Standards. Public Consultation Guidance Manual Provides information about public consultation processes and how to respond when a document is undergoing public consultation. PV Climate V5.0 - Templates The PV Climate V5.0 PIN and PDD templates can be downloaded using the below links. Document Description Project Idea Note (PIN) Template to indicate the intention to become PV Climate certified and demonstrate basic eligibility with the Plan Vivo Carbon Standard. Project Design Document (PDD) Template to provide details on how the project meets the PV Climate Requirements. Annual Report Template to provide details on a updated details on a project and their annual activities. PV Climate V5 - Methodology Templates The PV Climate V5 Methodology templates can be downloaded using the below links. Document Description Methodology/ Module/ Tool Concept Note Concept note to indicate the intention to submit a methodology to estimate climate benefits. Please note that the concept note needs to be approved by Plan Vivo before we can accept methodologies for review. Methodology Template to submit a methodology to estimate climate benefits. Module Template to submit a module or tool to be added to a methodology. Any questions? Contact us: [email protected] About PV Climate Manage Cookie Preferences