Vanga Blue Forest is a community-led mangrove conservation and restoration project based in southern Kenya. It was developed when the community of Vanga, Jimbo and Kiwegu villages saw the benefits that its sister project, Mikoko Pamoja, has brought to local people and the environment. Its aim is to provide long-term incentives for mangrove protection and restoration through community involvement and benefit.


Benefits that Vanga provides



Start date 2020
Certified beneath PV Climate Version 4
Coordinator Association for Coastal Ecosystem Services (ACES)
Activities Afforestation/Reforestation
Avoided deforestation
Participants 974 households
PVCs issued to-date 18,840



The detail

Vanga Blue Forest is a community-led mangrove conservation and restoration project in Vanga Bay, on the far southern coast of Kenya. It includes the three villages of Vanga, Jimbo and Kiwegu, home to nearly 9,000 people. It involves both the prevention of deforestation of the local mangrove forest, as well community-based reforestation, with a total of 460ha of mangrove forest included in the project area. The project also supports community development projects for the three villages, addressing education, health, sanitation and water needs.

Mangroves are coastal ‘superheroes’, providing surrounding populations with coastal protection, fisheries enhancement, water purification, enhanced biodiversity and capturing and storing large amounts of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. For coastal communities who are often reliant on income from fisheries and tourism, and who are vulnerable to sea level rise and storm damage with climate change, these mangroves are vital. Vanga Blue Forest safeguards these benefits for future generations in Vanga Bay.

The project is governed by Vanga, Jimbo and Kiwegu Community Forest Association (VAJIKI CFA). The Association for Coastal Ecosystem Services (ACES), a charity registered in Scotland, are the project coordinators. You can support Vanga's work by buying carbon credits through ACES.


The documents




See all documents


     Vanga Blue Forest and ACES are grateful to Rob Barnes of GRID-Arendal for the images of the project site.


SDG details

See how the project provides benefits beyond carbon and contributes to the UN Sustainable Development Goals:

Sustainable Development Goal How the project contributes
  • A minimum of 70% of PES income is spent on community development.
  • Governance of community spending is rooted in the community, ensuring local needs are met
  • Community woodlots are planted so that local needs for timber are met without the need to cut mangroves.
  • Education is a key priority for community spending.
  • Kenyan university students are hosted by the project to enhance scientific and research skills.
  • Local primary and secondary schools are engaged in environmental education.
  • At least 30% of the governing Committee are women, in line with Kenya’s two-thirds gender rule. The project is currently led by a female coordinator.
  • Water and sanitation is a key priority for community spending.
  • Mangroves are huge carbon sinks and stores, keeping carbon locked away in the tree biomass and in the soils. Protecting and enhancing these forests removes and keeps carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere.
  • Mangroves contribute to resilience to climate change. They protect coasts, and coastal communities, from storm damage, erosion and sea level rise.
  • Mangroves are rich in marine biodiversity. Their complex root systems provide a safe haven for young fish to grow. Many of these fish and shellfish are a food supply and livelihood for coastal communities.
  • Mangrove forests are rich in biodiversity, protecting and enhancing these forests protects this biodiversity.
  • Health of forests is restored following historic cutting.
  • Mangroves are a vital coastal ecosystem, protecting shorelines and the subsequent inland habitats.
  • Vanga Blue Forest works with a network of national and international partners, enhancing skills locally and providing jobs.
  • National Kenyan mangrove management is influenced by the project.
  • Democratic processes are embedded in project governance.