2019 – 2020 Annual Report The Plan Vivo Foundation has published its most recent Annual Report (FY 2019-2010). It includes impact data of the Foundation and Plan Vivo-certified projects, as well as highlights from our most recent Stakeholder Meeting, which was co-hosted by the Centre for Sustainable Forests and Landscapes at the Edinburgh Centre for Carbon Innovation (ECCI). The Stakeholder Meeting is a biennial opportunity for our stakeholders to come together and discuss challenges and opportunities faced by projects or presented by the wider market. The theme of last year's meeting 'Nature-based solutions in a Post-Paris World' gave our stakeholder group a chance to discuss how to leverage Plan Vivo's 25+-year experience to scale up smallholder and community action in the global fight against climate change. FY2019-2020 was a successful year for the Plan Vivo Foundation, bringing the total number of projects in our portfolio to 22 across 18 countries. There was a 108% increase in issued credits compared to the previous year and our projects have increased their impact across 182,376 ha, bringing the total number of smallholders involved to approx. 19,000. Moreover, two Plan Vivo projects won the UN Equator Prize in FY2019-2020: REDD in the Yaeda Valley and the Loru Forest Project, highlighting outstanding community efforts to reduce poverty through conservation. The report includes other highlights such as innovative corporate action by MAX Burgers, views on non-carbon credits and spotlights on recent partnerships. Download Annual Report Manage Cookie Preferences