The Kukumuty project enhances the floristic biodiversity of Miombo woodlands within a broader agroecosystem mosaic to fight hunger by building up local food systems. Kukumuty works to enrich Miombo forests in and around Chibabava, Mozambique, entailing 300 ha in Nhaumue and 69 ha in Mangunde. The project also establishes agroforestry nurseries and plots for growing horticultural and fuelwood species. Core community benefits include the combination of fruit, nut, medicinal, and other useful native trees with the sustainable collection of grasses, honey and indigenous Miombo fruits.


Benefits that the Kukumuty project provides


Start date 2022
Certified beneath PV Climate Version 5

Azada Verde

Climate Lab

Reseed Indico




Participants 2,944 local people
PVCs issued to-date 0


The detail

The Miombo tropical woodland ecosystem is rich in biodiversity with 8500 floristic species, more than half of which are endemic. Miombo covers roughly 10% of the African continent and in central and northern Mozambique, this complex agro-ecosystem mosaic supports nearly two-thirds of rural livelihoods and energy requirements. Changing climate patterns, combined with growing economic stress for rural households, has increased pressure on miombo woodland resources, tree cover, biodiversity and ecosystem services. 

The Kukumuty project introduces climate mitigation and adaptation strategies in the Chibabava District of central Mozambique. It uses a landscape approach for enrichment of Miombo woodlands and creation of climate resilient agroecosystems and sustainable livelihood opportunities.  

This ecosystem restoration intervention has five objectives: 

(i) Build on the agroecosystem knowledge expertise of rural communities to establish resilient agroecosystem landscapes, which generates livelihood diversification opportunities for local communities  

(ii) Facilitate woodland enrichment in community-identified areas through a combined strategy of soil and fire management and planting of Miombo species sourced from local and project-established nurseries. Inside the Miombo enrichment areas, the project supports the sustainable collection of grasses, honey and Miombo fruits. 

(iii) Establish agroforestry lots with irrigation and a combination of commercially viable fruit, nut, medicinal, and other useful native trees (e.g. Albizia, Papaya, Mango, Orange, Avocado, Moringa).  

(iv) Increase floral diversity in the project areas, currently dominated by Combretum, by facilitating the establishment of more endemic Miombo species and significantly raising biodiversity over time. 

(v) Boost carbon sequestration in the project areas for long-term socio-environmental benefits and reinvestments by the communities.  


The documents




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SDG details

See how the project provides benefits beyond carbon and contributes to the UN Sustainable Development Goals:

Sustainable Development Goal How the project contributes
  • Income differentiation is minimal in Nhaumue and Mangunde and mainly influenced by the extent of seasonal migrants remittances. A rough estimate of annual per capita income for the settlements is between US $185 and $245. The potential income generating activities from agroforestry include income from fruit, nut, medicinal, and other useful native trees.   

  • Other potential income comes from labour for firebreaks, mulching, seed collection, planting and swale building in project areas. These are of great interest for both women and men. 

  • In central and northern Mozambique, the complex agro-ecosystem Miombo mosaic supports nearly two-thirds of rural livelihoods.   

  • The project empowers communities to access the proper resources and tools needed so that they can have ownership over their own sustainable food systems. We derive this notion from the concept of Food Sovereignty.  

  • One of the most effective tools to combat poverty is the water bike pumps. These are specially adapted bikes that create a manual water pump for farm irrigation, simply by pedalling. The water pump bikes provide permanent access to irrigation water helping low income families. The project also installs solar irrigation systems used by the agroforestry associations. 

  • Agroforestry combines fruit, nut, medicinal, and other useful native trees (e.g. Albizia, Papaya, Mango, Orange, Avocado, Moringa) with the sustainable collection of grasses, honey and Miombo fruits. 

  • The project engages in knowledge sharing and dissemination around sustainable management of climate-adaptive and climate-resilient agroforestry systems. Through a farmers field school approach, more and more farmers will be intensively trained.  

  • Azada Verde supports Schools of Peace, a local social initiative that fulfils the human right to education, health and food of orphans and extremely vulnerable children for a better future. 

  • Most of the farming work in the region is carried out by women. Women and youth-headed households are particularly vulnerable because of their reliance on subsistence cultivation.   

  • The project requires more than 50% female participation during decision-making community meetings. 

  • Project activities in Nhaumue and Mangunde have demonstrated levels of female participation above 60%. 

  • The Kukumuty project is the very first project to be registered under version 5 of the Plan Vivo Standard (PV Climate).

    The expected carbon benefits amount to 74,390 tCO2e. 

  • Based on the 1997 Land Law (DUAT – Direito de Uso e Aproveitamento dos Terras), the customary rights of rural communities, usufruct rights and land use activities are recognized and strengthened. The DUAT thus formally recognises the community land rights.  

  • Kukumuty boosts the floristic biodiversity (Shannon index) of unique Miombo woodlands within a broader agroecosystem mosaic. 

  • Sustainable food systems are the key to creating positive land use change. When communities embrace thriving sustainable food systems, children eat diverse meals, gender equality increases, children can go to school and the health of the land is maintained and replenished.