The Hiniduma Bio-Link Project aims to conserve Sri Lanka’s last remaining rainforests, whilst addressing the pressing issues of rural poverty and climate change in a developing country.


Benefits that the Hiniduma Bio-link Project provides



Start date 2010
Certified beneath PV Climate Version 3
Coordinator The Carbon Consulting Project
Activities Afforestation/Reforestation
Participants 136 smallholders
PVCs issued to-date 4,717



The detail

The ‘Hiniduma Bio-Link’ is a project by the Carbon Consulting Company to establish a biodiversity corridor between two large remnant, vastly disturbed rainforest patches – Singharaja (UNESCO World Heritage Site) & Kanneliya (International Man and Biosphere Reserve), and to conserve buffer zones around the forest edges through reforestation.

The primary aim of this project is to reduce the pressure by local communities in the surrounding areas on the remaining rainforest patches, whilst enhancing the livelihoods of traditional communities living in close proximity to tracts of natural forest where the biodiversity is high, but under imminent threat. The project has been implemented according to Plan Vivo methodologies and has been certified to the Plan Vivo standard since July 2012.

Under this system, farmer-based participatory approaches are provided to smallholders to improve their home gardening reforestation and agroforestry skills. The trees planted include native and endemic rainforest species, as well as fruit and medicinal trees. This allows farmers to generate additional income. Furthermore, the introduction of carefully selected non-native plant species can help improve and support local ecosystem services. The promotion of eco-friendly livelihood options, such as organic farming and analogue forestry, is also a key objective. However, any such change would not disturb their existing livelihood practices.


The documents




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SDG details

See how the project provides benefits beyond carbon and contributes to the UN Sustainable Development Goals:

Sustainable Development Goal How the project contributes
  • The project works with 32 smallholders who are remunerated for their following the plan vivos they’ve designed on their lands, thereby increasing the household income of the participating farmers.
  • Smallholders are supported in home gardening reforestation and agroforestry using farmer-based participatory approaches.
  • The project formed a community-based organisation (CBO) in 2015 with all smallholder farmers partnering with the project in order to improve engagement with farmers and to better identify local needs and requirements. Through the CBO, training and awareness will be provided to the whole community and capacity building on organic farming practices, bee-keeping, NTFP utilisation and other potential avenues of additional income-generation.
  • Through planting native and endemic tree species, the project will promote the sequestration of carbon from the atmosphere into the natural landscape. This will help minimise the negative effects of climate change.
  • The primary objective of the project is to create a wildlife corridor that links to nearby forests and therefore enhances the conservation of biodiversity. This increase forest coverage by introducing native and endemic rainforest species.
  • Project has planted over 12,000 trees since 2011.