The first Plan Vivo project developed in Timor-Leste and the first of its kind in South East Asia, the Halo Verde project builds lasting partnerships with Timorese farmers by working together on agroforestry, land restoration and sustainable agricultural practices. Certification of climate benefits and recent project expansion was possible thanks to a Darwin Initiative Grant from the UK government.


Benefits that Halo Verde provides



Start date 2011
Certified beneath PV Climate Version 4
Coordinator FCOTI in partnership with GTNT
Activities Afforestation/Reforestation
Assisted natural regeneration
Improved land management
Participants 226
PVCs issued to-date 35,838



The detail

The project was created in a partnership between FCOTI and GTNT, with financial support from the Darwin Initiative and technical support from Charles Sturt University (via Jorge Ramos).

It has come a long way since 2011 by:

  • Improving the livelihoods of more than 950 farmers through financial incentives for the carbon stored in trees planted by them
  • Rehabilitating marginal lands and providing technical assistance to both male and female farmers
  • Introducing an only females fund and provision of scholarships to more than 450 high school and 13 university students from the project area.
  • Steadily including new participants and expanding the area rehabilitated year by year and aiming to 322 ha by 2029.


The documents




See all documents





SDG details

See how the project provides benefits beyond carbon and contributes to the UN Sustainable Development Goals:

Sustainable Development Goal How the project contributes
  • Minimum 60% of income going to project participants.
  • Diversifies livelihoods, such as through teaching women to make jams, sauces, and tamarind candies.
  • Provision of micro-loans for women to develop new business opportunities.
  • Introduces agroforestry systems for the production of food on barren land.
  • Applies activities for improving organic soil fertility, so improving crop quality.
  • Encourages female participation in the project and by supporting the livelihood development of female participants through a “rural women micro grants” scheme.
  • Improves climate quality by reducing deforestation, slash and burning and associated emissions and by increasing carbon stocks through reforestation.
  • Reverses soil erosion and degradation, and reduces deforestation and biodiversity losses. Furthermore, by planting native and naturalised trees, the project increases forest cover and tertiary habitats, which are ideal for various wildlife.