Emiti Nibwo Bulora is a climate change mitigation project that enables small-scale farmers in the Kagera region of Tanzania to access carbon revenue streams through the adoption of sustainable agroforestry techniques.


Benefits that Emiti Nibwo Bolura provides



Start date 2008
Certified beneath PV Climate Version 3
Coordinator Vi Agroforestry
Activities Afforestation/Reforestation
Participants 964 smallholder households
PVCs issued to-date 80,753



The detail

The project is an Afforestation/Reforestation (A/R) project which trains farmers in sustainable land use management techniques that result in carbon sequestration and deliver economic and livelihood benefits to the local communities.

After community-led project design, farmers benefit from capacity-building and enhanced skills in sustainable resource management. Through Plan Vivo certification, farmers are able to access carbon payments to enable them to cover costs at farm and household level. These payments for ecosystem service do not only contribute to immediate biodiversity and ecosystems benefits, but also have knock-on effects regarding poverty reduction and capacity development


The documents




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SDG details

See how the project provides benefits beyond carbon and contributes to the UN Sustainable Development Goals:

Sustainable Development Goal How the project contributes
  • Supports local livelihood diversification by encouraging micro-enterprises such as goat keeping, bee keeping, poultry keeping and tree nurseries.
  • The project's improved cook stove initiative encourages a reduction in the use of wood fuel and relieves pressure on already degraded forests.
  • Introducation of agroforestry techniques leads to greater diversity in food supply, additional sources of income and greater food security.
  • Planting nitrogen fixing tree species improves soil fertility and supports greater crop yields.
  • Farmers have chosen to use some of their PES income for payment of school fees and contributions towards construction of a school.
  • Participants receive ongoign training on sustainable land management techniques, forest fire control, climate change adaptation and proper use of animal waste.
  • The project raises community awareness of climate change impacts and options for climate change mitigation and adaptation.
  • The project provides training to local leaders on how to adapt land management strategies in response to a changing climate.
  • Over 256,000 trees have been planted.
  • Increased tree cover using native and naturalised species provides new habitat fore wildlife and helps to prevent further soil erosion.