We have closed recruitment for the first cohort of TRP members. We will reopen recruitment for the second cohort later this year or early 2025. 


Experts joining the PV Nature TRP will help assess biodiversity projects and their associated project interventions, ensuring they meet best practice and are well placed to deliver the best possible outcomes for nature and people in their respective ecoregions.

Reviews conducted by the TRP will assess the suitability of the project in line with the PV Nature requirements for the Standard and the PV Nature Methodology. By joining the TRP, you will help to accelerate flows of responsible finance into conservation and restoration projects certified under PV Nature, delivering evidence-based outcomes to biodiversity and communities. 


What are we looking for?

We are looking for experts with experience and knowledge in a wide range of ecology and conservation specialisations, including: 

  • Significant technical expertise in biodiversity conservation, restoration and/or ecology, and specialist knowledge of a particular biome, ecosystem, taxonomic group or set of conservation/restoration interventions. 

  • Expert knowledge of the geographic region, ecoregion or landscape of the project area. 

  • Ability to review project intervention(s) applied by the given project. 

  • Practical experience in biodiversity conservation and/or restoration project delivery.


Further details

Engagement in the panel is non-committal and work is ad hoc. Experts will be invited to take part in reviews that are relevant to their specific area(s) of expertise. 

More information about roles and responsibilities can be found in the TRP Terms of Reference (ToR) available here:

TRP Terms of Reference >


Request to join

Prospective Members can request to join the TRP by:

Those accepted to the TRP will receive information about the next available induction presentation.


About PV Nature

More information surrounding PV Nature can be found here: 

About PV Nature >


Should you have any questions or queries about the PV Nature TRP please do not hesitate to contact us. 


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