The Hieu Commune REDD+ project is Vietnam's first REDD+ project, protecting forested areas in three M'nam ethnic minority villages within Kon Tum Province. Project activities include securing land tenure for the communities, improving land use planning and management strategies, strengthening forest governance and law enforcement mechanisms, and facilitating the development of sustainable livelihood improvements. 


Benefits that Hieu Commune provides




Start date 2021
Certified beneath PV Climate Version 4
Coordinator Fauna & Flora International

Avoided deforestation and improved forest management (REDD+)

Participants 150 households 



The detail

The Hieu Commune REDD+ project is situated within the Kon Plong District. Located in the south-eastern Annamite Mountains, an area recognised as a global biodiversity priority, and on the tri-border with Laos and Cambodia, Kon Plong forest is the only habitat corridor left in this landscape, maintaining vital connectivity. This project protects a total of 1,238 hectares of the Kong Plong forest within the customary boundaries of three communities of the Hieu Commune. 35 species included in Vietnam’s Redbook, the IUCN Red List and/or the CITES List have been recorded within the Hieu Commune, including the northern yellow-cheeked gibbon (Nomascus annamensis, EN) and the grey-shanked douc langur (Pygathrix cinerea, CR).    


Project activities include forest protection, through regular community forest patrols and strengthening forest governance; agroforestry, including the planting of Multi-Purpose Tree Species (MPTS) in order to diversify crops and thereby improve land management; and assisted natural regeneration. Project activities aim to combat the issues of slash and burn agriculture for cassava crops and illegal logging, while facilitating the development of sustainable livelihood improvements. 



The documents



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SDG details

See how the project provides benefits beyond carbon and contributes to the UN Sustainable Development Goals:

Sustainable Development Goal How the project contributes
  • PES payments to communities (including through the sale of PV carbon credits).
  • Improved sustainable livelihoods through the planting of MPTS (including high income cash crops).
  • Job opportunities for community members through the creation of 11 forest patrol groups. 
  • Planting of MPTS.
  • Improved and more sustainable agricultural techniques to increase crop yields and decrease slash and burn agriculture.
  • Strengthened legal rights over their land for three M’nam ethnic minority villages through the issuance of community Red Books.
  • The planting of MPTS, including medicinal plants, coffee and the planting of 1000 fruit trees provides a move from slash and burn agriculture for cassava crops to more sustainable land use management and the planting of more diverse crops, for both income and consumption.
  • By minimising deforestation and degradation of the Kon Plong forest, the project is decreasing the amount of carbon being released into the atmosphere, helping to combat the global issue of climate change. The project is also helping to maintain micro-climate regulation, reducing the threat of extreme weather events locally.
  • Through more sustainable livelihood activities and regular forest patrols, the project is protecting a wide variety of flora and fauna species within the Kon Plong forest. Key species include the northern yellow-cheeked gibbon (Nomascus annamensis, EN), the grey-shanked douc langur (Pygathrix cinerea, CR), and commercially valued but locally endangered plant species, including Cinnamomum parthenoxylon, Talauma Gioi, Dacrydium pierreis.