Plan Vivo projects must work in partnership with and provide benefits to local communities within the project region. Depending on the land tenure model for the project. Project participants can be: 

Type - Local communities, Indigenous peoples or small-scale farmers, land-users or forest dwellers with recognised land tenure or user rights, whether as an individual (i.e. smallholder) or collectively as a community that reside within the project area. 

Type II Individuals who do not reside within the project area, do not manage land or natural resources within the project area for small-scale production, or are structurally dependent on year-round hired labour for their land or natural resource management activities. Type II project participants will be permitted on an individual project basis, and are required to meet additional requirements. These projects will be permitted when aligned with Plan Vivo’s values, and also provide an opportunity to make private land work for local communities. This will be achieved by improving local livelihoods and public interest issues being attached to the benefit-sharing mechanism.

All project participants must be: 

  • Organised, or in the process of being organised, into cooperatives, associations, community-based organisations or other organisational forms able to contribute to the social and economic development of their members and communities and democratically controlled by the members; and 

  • Able to use existing farmland, forest, woodland or other land type for project activities without undermining livelihood needs.