How much do PVCs sell for? And what influences their price? We recommend looking for average pricing in the State of the Voluntary Carbon Market reports, completed by the third-party Ecosystem Marketplace. These provide an estimate for the average Price of a PVC, but this value can be influenced by many factors: Project size – Smaller projects can be more selective of buyers and therefore demand a higher price. Selling to end buyers – Selling at retail price to end buyers typically demands higher prices than selling in bulk at wholesale prices to resellers. Intervention type – PVCs from some interventions (e.g. blue carbon) are typically in greater demand than others. Buyer interests – Buyers are willing to pay more for projects that align with their values and/or interests. This may be related to the project’s location, intervention, co-benefits etc. Up-front financing and exclusivity – Upfront financing can provide financial security for the project but is riskier for the investor and so often results in lower PVC pricing and requirements of exclusivity. Marketing strategy – Projects can vary in the level of resourcing they allocate to their marketing strategy, which can influence the demand for their PVCs. Manage Cookie Preferences