How do Acorn projects differ from other PV Climate projects? A list of the key differences between Acorn and PV Climate projects is provided below: Attribute Acorn project PV Climate project Intervention types Smallholder Agroforestry only Most nature-based interventions (land or marine) Projects certified against Acorn Framework and Methodology PV Climate Project Requirements, Validation and Verification Requirements, and the applied methodology Certificates generated CRUs – Ex-post certificates Represent CO2 removals fPVCs – Ex-ante certificates (non-retireable) rPVCs – Ex-post certificates (non-retireable) vPVCs – Ex-post verified certificates Can represent removals or reduction of CO2 Project coordinator Rabobank and local partner organisation(s) Local partner organisation(s) Certificate Seller Rabobank Local partner organisation Auditing Projects sample validation and verification using a Plan Vivo-approved sampling strategy All projects validated and verified Benefit sharing At least 80% of income from CRU sales to local farmers At least 60% of income from PVC sales to project participants Registry Acorn Registry Plan Vivo Registry Manage Cookie Preferences