Brief Description

Forest Carbon came into being 2006. At this time, there were no domestic carbon standards to enable voluntary carbon markets to function. As a result, Forest Carbon pioneered the idea of carbon-financed woodland creation in the UK, building on best practice from elsewhere and striving to make a market for woodland carbon.

Working in coalition with other organisations, including the Confederation of Forest Industries (CONFOR), Forest Carbon helped to make the case for a woodland carbon standard to the UK Forestry Commission. The government agency was persuaded by the idea and, in 2011, the Woodland Carbon Code was born. It continues to be owned and administered by the devolved arm of the Forest Commission, Scottish Forestry.

The trend of increasing demand has continued ever since, and has seen the Forest Carbon team continue to grow. At Forest Carbon, they recognise the challenges decarbonisation will bring, but also what is at stake. The organisation remain committed to working with their partners to increase investment into nature-based solutions, and ensure the best-possible outcomes from our projects across the UK and the world.


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