Plan Vivo governance structure

The Plan Vivo Foundation is the organisation that governs the Plan Vivo system and assesses projects against Plan Vivo's Carbon Standard (PV Climate) and Biodiversity Standard (PV Nature). The Foundation is comprised of several groups working in unison. This is clearly outlined in the Plan Vivo Foundation organisation chart or 'organigram': 

Plan Vivo Organigram >


To view the detailed composition of these groups, please see our Board of Trustees, Secretariat and Technical Review Panel (TRP) and Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) pages: 


Board    Secretariat   TRP & TAC


Governance group Function
Board of Trustees Takes overall responsibility for the management of the organisation.
Secretariat Runs the day to day activities at the Foundation, including managing the project registration/certification process, providing projects with Plan Vivo Certificates, and managing organisational partnerships.
Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) An expert panel that provides advice to the Secretariat and Board of Trustees on technical matters such as around climate benefit estimation, social safeguarding, forestry interventions, project development etc.
Technical Review Panel (TRP) An expert group, external to Plan Vivo, that provides peer-review services for project documentation (i.e. technical specifications) to help ensure that projects and their associated methodologies are meeting best practice.


Decision making processes

Plan Vivo follows a decision-making process that categorises decisions into high and low impact decisions. Where decisions are low impact, they are usually made within the Plan Vivo secretariat with sign-off from senior management. Key strategic decisions are reviewed and signed off by the Board of Trustees at quarterly board meetings, whereas decisions based on the technical development of Standards are taken together by the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) and the Plan Vivo secretariat. There is also a decision-making process for complex decisions that fall within the remit of the Plan Vivo secretariat.

For more information, please see our Governance and Decision Making Policies: 

Governance and Decision Making Policies > 


Conflict of Interest

Plan Vivo has a Conflict of Interest policy which board members, programme staff and management need to agree to before taking up their posts. The policy has robust procedures in place to prevent financial, commercial or fiduciary conflicts of interest.

The Conflict of Interest policy puts procedures in place how these types of conflicts will be identified, declared and addressed. For more information, please see our Conflict of Interest Policy: 

Conflict of Interest Policy >

Anti- Money Laundering 

Plan Vivo has an anti-money laundering policy in place that extends to all programme staff, leadership staff and trustees. For more information, please see our Anti-Money Laundering Policy:

Anti-Money Laundering Policy >


To find out more about how the Plan Vivo Foundation is governed, please see our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): 




Should you have any questions or queries, please email [email protected]